##Do you want to estimate the haplotype frequencies only or also test the association ##(1 only haplotype frequency; 2 both estimate haplotype frequency and test association) 2 ##The input data file and output file names (include the path if not in the current directory;less than 100 charactors) input.txt output.txt ##If only affected children (qualitative trait) were considered, write 1 in next line; otherwise, write 0 0 ##How many markers considered 5 ##The location of each markers (in kb) separated by blank space 0 100 200 300 400 ##Number of alleles in each of the markers 2 2 2 2 2 ##Number of permutation used to evaluate the p-value of the test 1000 ##How many individuals in the data set? 13 ##How many markers in each partition?(we suggest <=30 markers in each partition; ##if there are many missing values <=15; if there are many families without parents <=6) 5 ##Do you want to marge the rare haplotype (0 no marging; 1 merge) 0 ##If marging rare haplotype, give the cutoff of the rare haplotype frequency 0.01