Michigan Technological University
Department of Mathematical Sciences

Applied Math Seminar Announcement


Carter Gay1 and Aklilu Zeleke2
1Department of Mathematical Sciences, MTU
2Alma College


The pseudo product property for slowly varying functions


Tuesday, November 19, 2002


1:05 pm - 1:55 pm


126 Fisher Hall

The Product Rule is a common rule used on Calculus which states that (f*g)'=f'g+fg'. However, a common mistake made by Calculus I students is to assume that (f*g)'=f'g'. We pose the question, for what types of functions does this equality hold? In more general terms, when does the equality (f*g)(n)=f(n)g(n) hold? We find that a large class of function pairs satisfy this equality, including a large class of slowly varying functions.

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Applied Math Seminars

Center for Applied Mathematics

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Michigan Technological University